Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration
The programme aim to develop learners’ original practical, conceptual or technological understanding to create ways forward in contexts that lack definition and where there are many complex, interacting factor. Learns are trained to critically analyses, interprets and evaluates complex information, concepts and theories to produce new knowledge and theories.
Programme Objectives
Discover and apply advanced research methods and inter-disciplinary knowledge to address complex problems of modern business.
Demonstrate independent and critical thinking ability and appreciate the ethical issues and concerns relevant to the discipline.
Generate new and readily applicable knowledge in a chosen area of business typically relevant to their host organisations and their own career objectives, leading to an improved understanding of how to lead and manage an organisation effectively in a global and rapidly changing environment.
Course Structure
BUS821 Economic Management and Public Polciy
BUS822 Finance for Decision Making
BUS823 Innovation and Entrepreneurship
BUS824 Leadership and Change Management
BUS825 Managing International Organisation
BUS826 Advanced Research Methods
BUS827 Strategic Marketing Value Marketing
BUS828 Strategy and Competition
ACC403 Financial Accounting II
Graduates of IBA qualifications are eligible to claim the maximum allowance of Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) for the comparable Qualifi qualifications. As a top recognised UK awarding organisation, regulated by Ofqual, Qualifi is able to give assurances to employers, centres and learners of consistent, rigorous, quality standards and valid, valued learning. Qualifi is UK’s most international awarding body.